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www.parlamento.ao Assembleia Nacional www.mind-angola.com/indexn.html Angolan Ministry of Industry www.mirex.ebonet.net Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Republica de Angola www.minfin.gv.ao Ministério das Finanças www.mind-angola.com/indexe.html Ministério da Industria www.netangola.com/mcs/ Ministério da Comunicação Social
Ministério da Educação e Cultura
ANIP Headquaters www.alfandegasdeangola.com Alfandegas de Angola
www.angola.org Embassy of Angola, Washington www.angola.org.uk Embassy of Angola In The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland www.embangola-can.org Republic of Angola, Embassy in Canada www.angola.or.jp Embaixada da República de Angola no Japão www.angola.org.br Embaixada da Republica de Angola no Brasil www.embaixadadeangola.org Embaixada da República de Angola em Portugal http://angolarussia.ru Embaixada de Angola na Rússia www.embajadadeangola.com Embajada de Angola en el Reino de España www.angolaembassyindia.com Embaixada de Angola na India www.nzinga-mbandi.cu Embajada de Angola en Cuba www.ambasciatangola.it Ambasciata della Repubblica di Angola presso la Repubblica Italiana www.un.int/angola Missão Permanente da República de Angola nas Nações Unidas www.angola-consulate.org Consulado Geral de Angola em Houston www.botschaftangola.de Embaixada de Angola na Rep. Federal da Alemanhawww.sadc.int/ Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral
www.bna.ao National Bank of Angola
www.bpc.ao Banco de
Poupança e credito www.bfa.ao Banco Fomento Angola
Banco Regional do Keve www.nexus.ao NeXus - Provedor Angolano de Internet www.netangola.com NetAngola -Provedor Angolano de Internet www.snet.co.ao/html/index.html Snet - Provedor de Serviços de Internet www.angobusca.com Portal Angolano de Pesquisa
www.opic.gov - OPIC's mission is "to mobilize and facilitate the participation of United States private capital and skills in the economic and social development of less developed countries and areas, and countries in transition from nonmarket to market economies, thereby complementing the development assistance objectives of the United States …" www.imf.org - The IMF is an international organization of 183 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment. www.worldbank.org - The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. In Fiscal Year 2001, the institution provided more than US$17 billion in loans to its client countries. It works in more than 100 developing economies with the primary focus of helping the poorest people and the poorest countries.
http://www.ccia.ebonet.net/english/main.html Angola
Business Women Network
www.jornaldeangola.com Jornal de Angola
www.angolapress-angop.ao Angola Press www.tpa.ao TPA On-line www.rna.ao Angolan National Radio www.angonoticias.com Canal de Informação AngoNotícias
www.lemeridien-luanda.com Hotel Le Meridien - Luanda www.hoteltivoli.com Hotel Tivoli - Luanda www.netangola.com/hforum/ Hotel Forum www.netangola.com/hcontinental/ Hotel Continental http://www.geocities.com/hotel_avenida/ Hotel Avenida www.royal-prestige.net Royal Prestige Luanda Chauffeurs weather.yahoo.com/regional/AOXX.html Angola Weather (Yahoo)
www.fesa.og.ao Fundação Eduardo dos Santos www.focoa-angola.org Friends of Children of Angola www.aeaf.org Angola Educational Assistance Fund www.kissama.org Kissama National Park Fund
www.inacom.og.ao/ Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações www.angolatelecom.com Angola Telecom www.taag-airlines.com Taag Air Lines of Angola www.sonangol.co.ao Sonangol Web Site www.sonangol-usa.com Sonangol USA ("SONUSA") www.sonils.co.ao SONILS - Sonangol Integrated Logistic Services www.sonairsarl.com Sonair
www.endiama-angola.com Endiama - Empresa Nacional de Diamantes de Angola www.catoca.com Sociedade Mineira de Catoca , Lda www.chevron.com Crude Oil Marketing www.cca.ws/ Commercial Communications Associates www.inacom.og.ao/ Inacom On-line www.planad.co.ao/ Planad On-line www.orey.com/angola/english/ Orey Angola
www.toangola.com Portal Angolano de Emprego Academic Institutions www.avu.org – African Virtual University www.ucan.edu - Universidade Católica de Angola www.ist.utl.pt - Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa http://csis.org/africa/angola.html - Center for Strategics and International Studies -CSIS
http://www.ndu.edu/inss/strforum/h6.html Woodrow Wilson Center
International Business, Small Business, World
www.usachamber.com/houston - Chamber of
Commerce of Houston ( Texas ) - chamber of commerce with a network
integrated by oil companies and contractors working in the field, airlines ,
retail commerce companies . Connected to University Centers. www.corpwatch.org – Education and activism , issues on human rights, labor rights and environmental justice www.networkinggroups.com – Chambers of Commerce in the Metropolitan area around Washington D.C. www.us-angola.org Us - Angola Chamber of Commerce www.ibrooklyn.com - Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce ( New York) - business data, services, online resources and e-commerce opportunities www.worldchambers.com - Network of Chambers of Commerce - network dedicated to the international trade.
www.uncdf.org/mfmatters MicroFinance
Le Centre International de Lafayette www.traderoots.org - Trade with all countries in the world is what will keep our global economy strong. After the events of September 11th it is evident that those countries that we trade with are those that are our friends. Opening trade barriers will lead to peace among nations.
www.calchamber.com - The goal of the California Chamber of Commerce is to serve as
a resource and advocate for California employers. We have more than 100 years of experience helping California business do business. Representing more than 13,000 companies of all types and
sizes, the California Chamber is one of the state's largest broad-based non-profit organizations. www.gccc.com - The Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce is an organization of nearly 7,000 businesses in the eight-county Greater Cincinnati area of Southwestern Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeastern Indiana. The Chamber works to enhance the economic vitality and quality of life, providing a wide array of programs, products and services that benefit the bottom line for members and others.
www.elpaso.org - The Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce, the primary advocate for El Paso’s business community, is dedicated to building a strong economy and improving the quality of
life in our regional, bi-national community. www.kcchamber.com - There are a few things you should know about us. The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce is the oldest, largest business organization serving the bistate area. Specifically, we encompass 47 staffers, an executive committee and board of directors serving and working with over 2,400 member companies in our bistate region. www.lascruces.org - The Chamber's mission is achieved through the efforts of many volunteers, board members, and a professional fulltime staff of four, working together to make the Las Cruces business community better than ever. The work of the Chamber is divided into six divisions: Finance and Audit, Member Services, Marketing and Communications, Business Development, Governmental Affairs, and a newly added division, Special Events and Fund Raising. www.greaterlouisville.com - Greater Louisville Inc., Metro Chamber of Commerce (KY) www.rnychamber.com - Greater Rochester Metro Chamber of Commerce (NY) www.wacochamber.com - Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce (TX) www.intrade.org - The International Trade Alliance is an economic development organization of the Spokane Region. Our mission is to develop and expand international markets and trade for businesses while enhancing the image and competitiveness of the region as an international community with global attitude, awareness and communication strategies. jhuddle@leclairryan.com - International Trade Association of Western Virginia and the New River Valley (VA) www.orangeny.org -The Chamber of Commerce of Orange County, Inc. is an organization of business and professional men and women who have joined together to promote the commercial and civic progress of our community. The Chamber's mission is to be recognized as the region's leading organization committed to building a strong, unified business community. www.johnsoncitytn.com - Johnson City/Jonesborough/Washington County Chamber of Commerce (TN) www.myjaxchamber.com - Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce (FL) www.naita.org - The North Alabama International Trade Association (NAITA) was created in the early 80's by forward thinking individuals in the Madison County Commission, namely Chairman Mike Gillespie, Ms. Peggy Barnard, and Ms. Anne Burkett. The goals were to educate, encourage, and support companies in North Alabama which were entering the international marketplace. The meetings and seminars were, and still are, designed to disseminate information and promote networking opportunities to NAITA members and guests, leading to increased global awareness and a stronger community involvement in international trade. www.mobilechamber.com - Mobile Chamber of Commerce (AL) www.naperville.net - Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce (IL) www.gnofn.org - New Orleans Chamber of Commerce (LA) www.norcalwtc.org - The Northern California World Trade Center (NCWTC), located in the Capital City, serves as the regions premier international business development resource. Licensed by the World Trade Center Association (WTCA) in New York City, the NCWTC is affiliated with an international network of over 500,000 WTC members and 350 centers around the world. www.nkychamber.com - Northern Kentucky is a vibrant region with great job opportunities, exciting visitor attractions and an exceptional quality of life. The Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce is the largest business organization in our region. Our members are actively involved in every aspect of our community.
www.orlando.org - The Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce, Florida's largest Chamber with more than 8,500 member businesses, is the region's largest pro-business advocate. A wide
range of outstanding business programs for members is offered throughout the seven county region. www.winchesterva.org - The Winchester/Frederick County Chamber serves over 1,200 members, representing 40,000 employees. The Chamber supports economic development in our region by representing the interests of business in the government arena. Partners with other resources to respond to common needs in the promotion of this region. Provides regular forums and seminars on topics focusing on new trends and practices to keep managers abreast of changes in the economic climate. www.uncdf.org/mfmatters Microfinance MATTERS, the bi-monthly web publication from the United Nations Capital Development Fund
www.cnctek.com - Web Database - provides
database software to manage the information on the web site, methods to port the
data stored on a PC database to the web site at a minimum coast. Set up and
manage an on line members database with log in, log out and accounts management.
www.usatrade.gov - Assistance to help business export goods and services to markets worldwide. They have also global listings of trade events and information on international trade research.
www.buyusa.com -
Learn more about this unique
e-marketplace created by the U.S. Department of Commerce and IBM. Financial International Institutions www.miga.org - Established in 1995 as part of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA's) mandate to enhance foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing regions, the Investment Promotion Network (IPAnet) is the leading international investment-specific portal website providing free access to online foreign investment and privatization resources. Angola is member of MIGA. www.opic.gov - OPIC's mission is "to mobilize and facilitate the participation of United States private capital and skills in the economic and social development of less developed countries and areas, and countries in transition from nonmarket to market economies, thereby complementing the development assistance objectives of the United States …" www.imf.org - The IMF is an international organization of 183 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment. www.worldbank.org - The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. In Fiscal Year 2001, the institution provided more than US$17 billion in loans to its client countries. It works in more than 100 developing economies with the primary focus of helping the poorest people and the poorest countries.
- The
U.S. Trade and Development Agency assists in the creation of jobs for
Americans by helping U.S. companies pursue overseas business opportunities.
Through the funding of feasibility studies, orientation visits, specialized
training grants, business workshops, and various forms of technical
assistance, we enable American businesses to compete for infrastructure and
industrial projects in middle-income and developing countries. www.ExImAfrica@exim.gov - The Export-Import Bank of the United States is an independent US government agency that assists in financing the export of US goods and services primarily to emerging markets throughout the world by providing loan guarantees, export credit insurance and direct loans.
For Contacts:
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