Luanda |
Bengo |
Benguela |
Cabinda |
Kuanza Sul |
Namibe |
Huíla |
| Uíge |
Huambo |
Kuanza Norte |
Kuando Kubango |
Bíe |
Lunda Sul |
Norte | Malange |
Moxico |
Cunene |
This province has an area of 102, 783 km2.
It borders on the Republic of Zaire to the north, with Malanje to
the east and with Lunda Sul to the south. A series of rivers and
tributaries of the River Zaire crosses the province from south .to
north, giving Lunda Norte great potential concerning water
A feature of these
waterways are the important diamond deposits, which are an important
source of wealth for the province. |
Population, according to figures released by the provincial government's
Office of Studies and Planning, the total population is estimated at
609,919 (1994). The studies show that the greatest populational density in
the province is in XáMuteba (113, 522), followed by Chitato (89,821) and
Lucapa (70,886).

Fishing using traditional methods is practised mainly in the village
of Lovua, in the municipality of Chitato, in the villages of Xa-Cassau and
Capaia, in the municipality of Lucapa and in Caluango, in the municipality
of Cuilo. Traditionally rudimentary methods are used to catch the fish,
however, this activity was affected by the many years of war and is less
common nowadays.
